Lauderdale, the QUESTION that has been on the minds of so many savvy women who were once afraid to ask...UNTIL NOW

Do I dare disturb the universe...

Well, a very savvy but skeptical lady (who is a little new to the Youthful Blueprint lifestyle ) did the other day when she pressed the issue...

“ what the heck are hormones, really...  and why does it really matter anyway...”

And I am glad she did because it’s been the the pressing question on the minds of so many...

And true, there is a world of difference in having a technician supposing replacing something without a true expert road map of what kept you so productive, happy and youthful years ago...

And also true, without this road map most are just guessing at what so precisely engineered you for youth...

You got it ...before you take advantage of your Youthful Blueprint, let’s address the original question -

“ what the heck are hormones, really...  and why does it really matter anyway...”

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